City On Our Knees

If you gotta start somewhere why not here
If you gotta start sometime why not now
If we gotta start somewhere I say here
If we gotta start sometime I say now
Through the fog there is hope in the distance
From cathedrals to third world missions
Love will fall to the earth like a crashing wave
Tonight’s the night for the sinners and the saints
Two worlds collide in a beautiful display
It’s all love tonight when we step across the line
To a city with one king a city on our knees
A city on our knees Oh oh oh oh oh



Oakland is a beautiful city just eight miles form San Francisco via the Bay Bridge.

If the previous day’s great cross walk in San Francisco was any indication of what lie in store for this cross walker as I traveled in the Go-Ye-Mobile-2 truck (GYM-2) from the motel room on the Peninsula and in Belmont (25 miles south of San Francisco) to the East Bay city with a population of some 420,000 souls, then some great and awesome happenings in Christ were definitely going to take place today.

My main destination was Broadway, downtown Oakland’s main street and major hub of activity. The busy street was easy to find. Parking GYM-2 on 7th and Broadway, I sensed a lot of eyes on all my movements as I unstrapped the 10-foot, 60-pound cross from the truck’s rack, hoisted it upon my shoulder and headed north on Broadway and toward City Hall.


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This 2-sided tract explains the simplicity yet awesomeness of God’s Good News and great love in Christ Jesus!

Right from the start of the cross walk, people gave the thumbs-up sign as I walked down the sidewalk and against traffic. It is my great joy and duty to greet every individual I walk up to and offer a firm and long handshake to as well. I also give each person a special two-side tract that I feel is significant for that particular city.

Because the large wooden cross I carry is symbolic of the cross of Jesus Christ and His great Calvary-love for all people, I felt it was important for the people living and working in Oakland to see John 3:16 in all its simplicity and beauty as well as view its awesome message of agape-love. Passing out this tract in other cities had proven to be a successful way to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone, no matter age, nationality, culture or station in life.

Individuals gladly accepted the, and I had several conversations about the Lord Jesus Christ and the reason for the cross walk even before I made it to City Hall: that God wants everybody without exception to come to Him, the “whosoever” invitation of John 3:16!

One very joyful and obviously greatly forgiven man in Christ approached me and began praising the living God loud enough for all to hear. His loud enthusiasm was contagious, especially when he shouted out, “I have never seen a sight like this before! Praise the Lord for the cross!”

Right then and there, we had church on the streets! Five people coming together in a beautiful exchange of praise and thanksgiving in our hearts and with a visualization of God’s goodness in each of our lives. That’s what gets the people of God up and jumping for the Lord! Knowing and personally experiencing His grace and forgiveness of sins certainly makes people want to shout out loud to the King of glory.



Praying for all of Oakland’s civic and political leaders at its beautiful and huge City Hall.

It’s only seven blocks from where I parked to City Hall, but it took much longer than expected because of the number of people I was able to talk to about the Lord Jesus Christ. But finally, there it was! A huge and beautiful Mall housing all of Oakland’s civic buildings and offices, including the huge City Hall building itself.

Hoisting the large cross upright at the main entrance, I prayed loud and long for all of Oakland’s leaders, including Mayor Libby Schaaf, who took office in January, 2015. City Hall was busy, and not a few individuals came in and out as I audibly prayed for great revival to break out among all of Oakland, from its city council members and department heads, to the residents of  its best neighborhoods and worst and blighted communities.

I could sense the Holy Spirit’s powerful presence, and I knew that God was going to touch many, many lives on this great day of visitation. City workers came out and thanked me for praying for them and for their city, a city with a reputation for mean gangs and unchecked violence.

But the one true God is well-able to change the mindset and nature of any city, including its diverse people. I asked the living God to send forth the Spirit of revival throughout all of Oakland, from its beautiful downtown area, to its roughest and toughest neighborhoods.

As my prayer ended, I felt it in my spirit, heart and soul that God, indeed, was about to do a great and mighty work of soul harvesting in this great city just 12 miles driving distance from another great city, San Francisco!



Here at this courthouse, a deputy Sheriff loudly and proudly shared his awesome testimony!

My next destination was Superior Court. Little did I know what God had in store for me as I walked down Broadway and toward the huge structure. Reaching the large courthouse complex, I hoisted the cross at its main entrance and began to pray loud and long for Oakland and Alameda County’s Criminal Justice System, that the county would actually experience a major drop in crime and an increase in peace and righteousness throughout Oakland and the other thirteen cities that make up this county.

A stern voice cut through my prayer. “What you doing?” Looking up, I noticed a Sheriff’s deputy standing menacingly close to where I was. “Oh hi. I’m praying for the city of Oakland, “I answered. “I’m also praying for all law enforcement officers, including Sheriff’s deputies.”

The deputy remained silent for a long moment, then broke into the biggest smile I’ve seen on the face of a law enforcement officer (and I’ve seen many great smiles from many, many lawmen). “You know, I wish every lawman was a Christian just like me,” he remarked. He reached out his hand. “I’m so glad you are here praying for our city and for all of us!”


Alameda_County,_CA_Sheriff (2)The Sheriff’s deputy was loud. At first, other police officers and people who came in and out of the building looked over at us, thinking that the deputy was getting in my face. But, instead, he was letting everyone hear about his faith in Jesus Christ! He didn’t care who heard him talking about His Lord and Savior.

This deputy did something that was unheard of. He began to loudly and proudly share his testimony right there in front of a very busy courthouse. It was a great story about how he accepted Jesus before becoming a deputy sheriff. He also shared that, because he was a believer, he had used his mouth more than his gun or brute force to talk down a criminal. Certainly, he was tough and would use his weapon if necessary. But he felt that talking criminals and troubled individuals  out of their turmoil would be more effective.

This was a long testimony! Even I couldn’t believe just how open he was talking about his living faith in the living God. But like all good things, his testimony came to an end, but not before scores and scores of people passing by heard his dynamic story. Talk about church on the streets…or should at say, church at the courthouse!

Shaking my hand once again, the deputy shared, “I know that God is going to do something big and great in our city and county! Thank you for bringing the cross to our attention. I am praying that many of my fellow officers accept Jesus Christ into their lives, too!”



Too many of our Thin Blue Line men and women across America are being killed or wounded. Let us pray for their safety every day!

One of my main purposes in walking the cross throughout a city is to bring the 10-foot, 60-pound cross to police and Sheriff’s headquarters and pray long and hard for the safety of that city’s and county’s Thin Blue Line, which includes city police, county Sheriff’s deputies, CHP troopers, along with other law enforcement agencies. These peacemakers are a city’s and county’s shield of protection against rampant and out-of-control anarchism and vigilantism.

Too many cities across our nation have seen an increase in violent attacks against law enforcement officers, many of whom have been murdered. As I approached the large city police building, I hoisted the cross upright and prayed very hard and long for  the safety of Oakland’s 650 sworn officers, that they each would accept Jesus as their Savior, and that they all would be protected from all harm as they execute their duty to serve and protect the people of Oakland. I also asked the LORD of hosts to protect Oakland’s Thin Blue Line with His Thick Blue Line of mighty angelic warriors!



God wants to protect Oakland’s Thin Blue Line with His Thick Blue Line of angelic protectors and to reveal His love to each and every one through Christ Jesus.

Glory to the King! This cross walk was coming to an end. But God was only beginning to do what He alone can do: pour out His Holy Spirit on this city of 420,000 souls and convince men, women and children from every arena of life to accept His Son as Savior and Lord.

As I walked back to GYM-2, my spirit was bursting with joy and gratitude to the living and loving God for allowing me to walk the cross in this great city, where so many had openly expressed great joy and elation at the sight of the cross.

This story could go on and on and on, because so much took place this day. But I believe you get the gist of the story: revival is on the way to another California city! All because God wants to save all people! And all because he wants many, many more of Oakland’s Thin Blue Line to come to Him and become bold witnesses as to His amazing love and grace.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Jesus, in Matthew 5:9). Amen and amen.